LTI Integration

LTI Integration for Academic Writer

There are a number of features and benefits of integrating Academic Writer into your learning management system (LMS).

In addition to putting the resource in a location you know students are required to use, instructors can add specific Academic Writer lessons, and even force certain learning paths using LMS-specific features like adaptive release and mastery paths.


For broader course adoption of Academic Writer, we recommend that:

  • LMS admins set up LTI integration at a global level. Setting up integration at the global level allows all instructors to use the resource in their courses.
  • Add the Academic Writer Content Selection Page to an institution-wide instructional resources course. The content selection page is where instructors will copy the specific LTI link they must use to add content to their courses. The LTI links must be used so that access is recognized through your subscription and LMS.

Select your LMS to get started:

Once an LMS admin has completed the LTI integration at the global level, any user with instructor-level or higher access to a course can add content links.

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